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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Progress in Marine Conservation 2023: How to stop biodiversity loss – from knowledge to action

6th Conference "Progress in Marine Conservation" in cooperation with the OZEANEUM / German Oceanographic Museum Stralsund, offering a forum for discussing current developments in marine nature conservation and research. Focus in 2023 lays on three main topics: marine protected areas and 30/10 target, offshore wind energy and fisheries (management).
Date, time
18.09.2023 (Mon) 17:00 
22.09.2023 (Fri) 13:15 
OZEANEUM Stralsund
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), OZEANEUM Stralsund
Dr. Britta Knefelkamp (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)
Target group
International and national experts from science, from federal and state authorities, from nature conservation associations and other non-governmental organizations
Event language

The increasing use of the seas is getting more and more problematic in view of the decline in marine biodiversity and against the background of the energy and climate crisis. Current EU guidelines and strategies as well as the two UN decades provide an essential framework. In all countries, we have to undertake considerable joint efforts to improve the state of the seas, to implement efficient protected areas for species and habitats and at the same time to enable sustainable use of marine resources. But how can we get from knowledge to action? With the conduction of the PMC "how to stop biodiversity loss - from knowledge to action", we would like to give an important impetus to this discussion. The in-person conference at the OZEANEUM Stralsund, starting with a panel discussion, will be structured around plenary sessions and workshops on the above-mentioned key topics. 

Reef, densely overgrown with different epibenthos species and macroalgae
Depending on water conditions, reefs form a biodiverse habitat with species-rich benthic communities


We are glad to present the programme with a high number of exciting plenary talks. We are looking forward to meeting you in Stralsund.


The abstracts for the plenary talks are now available for download. Due to sustainability reasons, we will not provide a printed abstract booklet for conference participants. If you would  like to have a printed version, please print it by yourself.

Note of Chairs

Just over 200 participants joined the PMC in 2023 which was held under the theme "how to stop biodiversity loss - from knowledge to action". In over 50 presentations and 8 workshops, they discussed how to tackle the marine biodiversity crisis. Current research results on the impacts of various human activities in the oceans have once again made it clear that it is urgently time to act. Approaches and best-practice examples, also from neighboring European countries, were discussed and ways were sought to move forward in marine nature conservation. In the eight workshops, divided into the topics 30/10 targets of the EU biodiversity strategy, marine protected areas, expansion of offshore wind energy, and fisheries (management), the participants developed action points, which they see as necessary next steps. These Actions Points have been compiled in the "Note of the Chairs" which can be downloaded  below. The "Note of the Chairs" was submitted to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, to be taken into account in the development of the national marine strategy and in the implementation of EU requirements for marine nature conservation.


Organisation Team PMC 2023
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