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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Alpine rivers and their ligneous vegetation with Myricaria germanica

Natural and near-natural watercourses of the Alps and their foothills (predominantly in the submontane to subalpine zones) with their gravel banks and banks with scrub of Myricaria germanica and willows (lower riparian alluvial plain of alpine rivers).

Natura 2000-Code

Notes on habitat mapping

The criterion for the delimitation of this habitat type is the presence of Myricaria germanica along the bank of the watercourse.

Where Myricaria is present the delimitation should include coherent sections of the watercourse which include the woodland, the banks themselves and the actual watercourse and which leave sufficient room for dynamic processes to take place. Should the habitat type Alpine rivers and the herbaceous vegetation along their banks (3220) be present as well (in parallel), the watercourse itself should be included with type 3220 and only the shrub-dominated vegetation should be mapped as habitat type 3230.

Larger sections without shrubs, which host vegetation of the relevant syntaxa, should be assigned to the habitat type Alpine rivers and the herbeaceous vegetation along their banks (3220).


In the absence of river dynamics Myricaria germanica stands can not regenerate, i.e. the habitat type will not be able to persist in such a situation.

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