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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Atlantic acidophilous beech forests with Ilex and sometimes also Taxus in the shrublayer (Quercion robori-petraeae or Ilici-Fagenion)

Atlantic and sub-Atlantic acidophilous beech forests with holly (Ilex aquifolium). Characterized i.a. by being rich in epiphytes and by the presence of yew (Taxus baccata). In contrast to habitat type 9110 Luzula luzuloides is largely absent.

Natura 2000-Code

Notes on habitat mapping

Does not occur in Germany, or only in floristically impoverished facies: In western Germany there are Ilex-rich beech forests which can be assigned to the Ilici-Fagetum. These are on the edge of their range and are floristically very much impoverished facies, e.g. on crystalline sandstones in the Black Forest. The presence of Ilex aquifolium alone is not sufficient for assigning the vegetation to this habitat type. Ilex-rich acidophilous beech forests in Germany should therefore be considered under type 9110. Forest grazing has strongly benefited Ilex, sometimes resulting in Ilex-rich beech forests which give the impression of being strongly impoverished Ilici-Fagetum communities. However, these should not be recorded under this habitat type.

In its definition the European Commission 'Interpretation Manual' lists three types, including 'subatlantic beech-oak forests of the plains and hill levels with Ilex aquifolium'. It is not clear in how far this is distinct from the Luzulo-Fagetum (9110) - the sub-type largely corresponds to the colline facies of the Luzulo-Fagetum.

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