Atlantic salt meadows (Glauco-Puccinellietalia maritimae)
Saltmarshes of the Atlantic, the Baltic, and the North Sea in its complete typical zonation from Common Saltmarsh-grass swards (natural or grazed / semi-natural), to the swards of Red fescue, Saltmarsh rush and the Sea wormwood scrub of the upper saltmarsh and to the high tide drift lines with Agropyron pycnanthum. These also include stands of the sedges Carex distans and Carex extensa or of Eleocharis uniglumis and Eleocharis palustris. An important characteristic of saltmarshes is the natural flooding by sea water (North Sea). In the Baltic, saltmarshes can also occur on i.a. peaty substrates (seasonally flooded coastal peatlands). In such sites they are the secondary outcome of the grazing of reedbeds of brackish waters etc.
Notes on habitat mapping
This habitat type comprises the salt-influenced grassland within the reach of high tides along the North Sea and Baltic coasts. The presence of the syntaxa given above is the criterion for delimitation. Smaller areas which are free of vegetation may be included. Adjacent reedbeds of brackish waters which have become silted-up but which host saltmarsh species are to be included.