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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands

Open and usually patchy grassland on siliceous inland dunes: Ephemeral-rich Aira swards (Thero-Airion alliance), Grey hair-grass communities (Corynephorion canescens), perennial patchy dry sandy grasslands with Agrostis vinealis, Carex arenaria a.o.

Natura 2000-Code

Notes on habitat mapping

The delimitation should be based on the presence of the mostly more or less patchy vegetation on inland dunes of the syntaxa given above. Smaller level areas in between the dunes hosting the relevant vegetation or smaller areas hosting other vegetation may be included. Stands of the relevant vegetation on fluviatile alluvial sands (alluvial fans, purely fluviatile sediments) do not belong to this habitat type. Xeric sand calcareous grasslands (Koelerion glaucae) are to be considered under habitat type 6120.


Proposal for amendment of name: 'Sandy dry grasslands on inland dunes'.

Xeric sand calcareous grasslands (Koelerion glaucae) on inland dunes are a priority habitat type, cf. 6120. Calcareous fixed dunes occur in some large river-carved valleys: Depending on their vegetation they should be considered under either 2330 or 6120.

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