Transition mires and quaking bogs
Transition mires and quaking bogs on peaty substrates with water levels close to the surface or standing dystrophic, oligotrophic to mesotrophic water (no longer merely ombrotrophic) (Caricion lasiocarpae and Rhynchosporion albae pp.). This type is a habitat complex which is delimited by the lagg zone. It also includes silted-up fringes of oligotrophic to mesotrophic waters with Carex rostrata. Small areas that can be assigned to this type also occur within raised bog complexes and in fens.
Notes on habitat mapping
Characteristic for transition mires and quaking bogs is a bog core which includes minerotrophic vegetation in addition to the typical raised bog vegetation. The delimitation should, if possible, include the entire coherent peat mass and thus may, as a habitat complex, include all the sub-habitats typical of transition mires and quaking bogs up to the lagg zone where this is present. It therefore also includes very small bodies of water, hummocks, and hollows. Contact zones with bog woodland (91D0) or bog lakes/soaks and bog pools (larger dystrophic pools and lakes, 3160) and vegetation of the Rhynchosporion alliance (7150) are recorded separately as distinct habitat types. However, they should for functional reasons be included in the site delimitation for the purposes of Natura 2000.