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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

BfN Schriften 102 - "Perspectives of the Green Belt" Chances for an Ecological Network from the Barents Sea to the Adriatic Sea? Part 2

Areas and habitats
Large-scale nature conservation projects
International cooperation
The International conference “Perspectives of the Green Belt – Chances for an ecological network from the Barents Sea to the Adriatic Sea?”, held in July 2003 in Bonn, has been a milestone in the development of the vision of a European Green Belt.
Barbara Engels, Angela Heidrich, Jürgen Nauber, Uwe Riecken, Heinrich Schmauder and Karin Ullrich (Eds.)
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Year of publication
Skript 102_2
55 - 95


This publication resumes the international kick-off-conference for the project of an European Green Belt organized by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in July 2003 in Bonn. Representatives from Russia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, the Czech  Republic, the Slovak republic, Hungary, Austria and Germany as well as from IUCN, the European Union and several NGOs have been intensively discussing the idea of a European Green Belt.

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