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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

BfN Schriften 174 - Protection and Utilisation of Biological Resources for a Sustainable Development, with Special Reference to Azerbaijan. Proceedings of a NATO CCMS supported Seminar

International cooperation
Attention is paid to the development of specially protected natural areas with the purpose of the preservation of ecosystems in the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the same time the project of the “Samur-Yalama” National Park is worked out within the program of “The Caucasus Initiative” with the support of the German Federal Government.
Issa Aliyev, Barbara Engels, Bettina Hedden-Dunkhorst, Anne Katrin Heinrichs and Chie Okada (Eds.)
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Year of publication


Factors leading to loss of biodiversity are mainly related to human activity. Thus, the fact that 12% of the Republic’s population became refugee and IDPs, and 20% of the territory is under occupation as a result of the Armenian aggression along with having damaged the country’s economy and living conditions of the population, also had a negative effect on the ecological situation. In addition, the main man made factors that effect the Republic’s biodiversities are: unsystematic pasture management, non-observation of pasturing norms, non-use of pastures on its destination, non-conduction of grassland restoration, pollution of the environment with industrial wastes in industrial zones and adjacent areas, nonobservation of rules on protection of wildlife during harvesting and hay moving, burning of harvested fields, as well as use of pesticides non-registered by state and low quality fertilizers.

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