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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

BfN Schriften 286 - An economic analysis of new instruments for Access and Benefit-Sharing under the CBD – Standardisation options for ABS transaction. Final Report

Genetic engineering
Nagoya Protocol
In the beginning of 2007, the Institute for Food and Resource Economics at the University of Bonn started a research project on economic aspects of standardisation-based ABS instruments on behalf of the German Federal Agency of Nature Conservation. Model clauses for ABS contracts on the one hand and a fully standardized Multilateral ABS System (MLS) on the other hand were selected as focus.
Sabine Täuber, Karin Holm-Müller, Therese Jacob and Ute Feit
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Year of publication


The project was guided by several, partly interrelated, research question:
(1) the empirical identification and theory-based analysis of problems occurring in the creation of bilateral ABS-agreements.
(2) the generation of a general assessment of the chances and limitations of both instruments supporting ABS.
(3) the development of a concept of similarity for transactions with genetic resources on the contract level, in order to discuss implementation aspects of “model clause instrument”, and
(4) the development of a resource-category system reflecting the heterogeneity of genetic resource with respect to utility components of ABS. Basing thereupon the benefits of a multilateral ABS approach can be compared to the bilateral ABS approach.

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