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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation

Near-natural watercourses with annual nitrophilous vegetation on muddy banks (Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. alliances) (planar to submontane).

During spring and early summer sites look like muddy banks without any vegetation or are still under water.

Natura 2000-Code




Notes on habitat mapping

The criterion for the delimitation of this habitat type is the at least temporary or patchy presence of vegetation of the syntaxa given above on muddy river banks. Occurrences in all elevation zones are considered.

This habitat type is naturally characterized by rapid changes. Depending on water levels and flow dynamics the location of the muddy banks and the duration of emergence can vary considerably during the course of the year. Therefore the delimitation should include the entire area which potentially hosts emergent muddy banks if normally this area hosts the relevant vegetation.

Vegetation complexes and mosaics formed with eutrophic dwarf rush swards (Isoëto-Nanojuncetea) are included. Stands of the syntaxa given above outside of the riparian area are excluded, e.g. along standing waters with fluctuating water tables or in wallows created by wild boar.


Muddy banks which are free of vegetation are not considered. A more favourable approach to comprehensive watercourse protection would be to designate a riparian strip of at least 50-100 m width on all watercourses and to give blanket protection to more or less near-natural riverine systems.

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