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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Towards climate neutrality in European UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Internationale Naturschutzakademie
Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Erneuerbare Energien
Datum, Uhrzeit
29.03.2022 (Di.) 17:00 Uhr
01.04.2022 (Fr.) 12:30 Uhr
Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm
Kirsten Meuer, Succow Stiftung
Dilfuza Yuldasheva, Succow Stiftung
Birthe Thormann (BfN)

Kontakt für Nachfragen: biosphere-workshop@succow-stiftung.de

The workshop will deal with successful practices and case studies in the fields of land use, economy, mobility and energy. We will focus on approaches that integrate climate adaptation and mitigation with sustainable land use, conservation and sustainable development and will also look at compatibility with BR objectives and trade-offs. The active engagement of municipalities and citizens, and the role of education and communication will be an important aspect in this regard.

We welcome examples and case studies from the following fields:

- Agriculture and forestry

- Peatland management

- Climate-friendly mobility concepts for rural areas

- Renewable energies

- What are best practises regarding municipal engagement, participation, education, communication & training to support climate-neutrality in BR?

We invite representatives of European Biosphere Reserves, representatives of the youth, members of the MAB National Committees and EuroMAB to join the workshop to facilitate an enriching exchange on burning issues in biosphere reserves.

Kontakt im BfN

Dr. Birthe Thormann
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin FG I 2.4 Internationaler Naturschutz/MAB-Geschäftsstelle
0228 8491-1784
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