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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

International workshop on strengthening synergies for biodiversity and climate in multifunctional landscapes

Internationale Naturschutzakademie
Globale internationale Abkommen
Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Datum, Uhrzeit
01.08.2022 (Mo.) 17:00 Uhr
05.08.2022 (Fr.) 08:00 Uhr
Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
Irina Kozban, Simone Wulf, Lisa Kopsieker (BfN)
Governmental and intergovernmental organisations; international non-governmental organisations, Think-Tanks and research institutions

The workshop will bring together international experts working at the biodiversity and climate interface. The workshop participants will exchange on the most recent or ongoing developments concerning biodiversity and climate change interconnections from different perspectives e.g. different sectors, geographical regions, spatial scales etc. They will identify key issues and action needs in terms of science, policy and implementation, and will develop recommendations of how these action needs could be addressed in future.

Special focus will be put on such topics as barriers and trade-offs in approaches that simultaneously address biodiversity loss and climate change at the landscape level; role of participation and tools to ensure collaboration in the multifunctional landscapes; as well as unlocking funding to scale up synergies for biodiversity and climate.

Programme outline:

  • 1 August: Arrival at Vilm + Joint dinner and onsite kick-off
  • 2-4 August: Workshop with hybrid sessions
  • 5 August: Optional thematic excursion + Departure

This workshop will be a hybrid event. Please use the link to apply for your physical participation in the workshop at the Isle of Vilm.

Participants unable to join in person have the option to join parts of the wokshop sessions on 2-4 August virtually. For virtual participation, please do not use the registration link, but register by sending an email to Irina Kozban instead.

Kontakt im BfN

Irina Kozban
0228 8491-1786
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