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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

European expert meeting in preparation of IPBES-10

Internationale Naturschutzakademie
Globale internationale Abkommen
Biologische Vielfalt
Datum, Uhrzeit
18.07.2023 (Di.) 18:00 Uhr
21.07.2023 (Fr.) 11:00 Uhr
Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
Lennart Kümper-Schlake (Bundesamt für Naturschutz)
Invited biodiversity experts from European countries (EU, Norway, Switzerland, UK and CEE)

The tenth Session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES-10) will take place from 28.08.-02.09.2023, in Bonn/Germany.
The aim of the workshop on Vilm Island is to stimulate a focused discussion and allow for an in-depth preparation of the issues which will be dealt with at IPBES-10.
The workshop will serve as a regional meeting for European biodiversity experts to elaborate recommendations and concrete proposals which will feed directly into the international negotiation process.

Kontakt im BfN für inhaltliche Fragen

Lennart Kümper-Schlake
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter FG I 2.4 Internationaler Naturschutz

Kontakt im BfN für organisatorische Fragen

Annette Pahl
Biologielaborantin, Agraringeneurin für Tierproduktion
038301 86-138
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