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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

What is the potential for Citizen Science in European UNESCO Biosphere Reserves?

Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Datum, Uhrzeit
03.02.2025 (Mo.) 16:20 Uhr
07.02.2025 (Fr.) 09:20 Uhr
International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle Vilm
Biosphere Reserves Institute Eberswalde (BRI), Ana Filipa Ferreira (BRI Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development), Charlotte Griestop (BRI Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development)
Linda Eich (BfN), Charlotte Griestop (HNEE)
Closed group of participants
The workshop Citizen Science in European UNESCO Biosphere Reserves aims to inspire and strengthen collaboration between European Biosphere Reserves while building capacity on how to implement successful citizen science projects. When and how to include citizens into data collection and analysis? How can citizen science contribute to environmental awareness, community building and increased data availability? What is the potential for citizen science in Biosphere Reserves? European Biosphere Reserve practitioners and researchers will share their own experiences, learn with each other and with experts and develop guidelines for citizen science and research in Biosphere Reserves.
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