BfN Schriften 153 - Report of the International Workshop “Opportunities of EU Agricultural Policy Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation and Integrated Rural Development in Protected Areas of the New Member States”
Internationale Naturschutzakademie•
Biologische Vielfalt
The aim of the international workshop „Opportunities of EU Agricultural Policy Instruments for Biodiversity Conservation and Integrated Rural Development in Protected Areas of the New Member States“ was to examine the implications of the changing framework conditions in agriculture for conservation, to highlight existing opportunities for implementing the CAP in a way which supports the goals of protected areas, and to discuss examples of good practice and experiences made in integrated rural development.
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Heft Nr.
The workshop was set up as an informal scientific meeting and brought together 23 participants from 6 European countries, who attended in their personal capacity as experts in biodiversity conservation, protected area management, agricultural policy and other related fields.
This report contains the results of discussions in the working groups as well as abstracts of the
presentations made by participants. The recommendations and suggestions which were elaborated are
intended to help individuals and organizations working in this field and to contribute to further discussion on the issue.