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Bundesamt für Naturschutz

OECMs in Europe: The way forward

Internationale Naturschutzakademie
Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Biologische Vielfalt
Globale internationale Abkommen
Datum, Uhrzeit
20.02.2023 (Mo.) 18:30 Uhr
24.02.2023 (Fr.) 09:00 Uhr
Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm
IUCN WCPA Europe, IUCN WCPA OECM Specialist Group, IUCN Europe and Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
Erika Stanciu (WCPA), Kathy MacKinnon (WCPA-OECM), Boris Erg (IUCN), Gisela Stolpe (Bundesamt für Naturschutz)
European experts in charge of implementing OECMs from national authorities, NGOs, the European Commission and the European Environmental Agency

The workshop will discuss the role and potential of OECMs in Europe for meeting the new are-based targets of the Convention on Biodiversity. It will also familiarise participants with the concepts, methodologies and relevant tools. Participants shall understand what OECMs are, learn how OECMs could contribute to reaching the new area targets, reflect on the wider benefits of OECMs for conservation in Europe, learn from existing OECMs by analyzing some case studies, learn about the process of identifying, recognising and reporting OECMs and discuss needs and opportunities for making progress on OECMs.

The workshop will be based on existing guidance material such as the CBD definition and CBD criteria for OECMs, IUCN/WCPA guidance on Recognising and Reporting OECMs and the WCPA OECM assessment tool to help determine whether potential areas of important biodiversity meet the criteria of OECMs.

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