IUCN WCPA Best Practices Guidance for Protected and Conserved Areas Finance - A writing workshop
The Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) together with the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), and the Sustainable Finance Specialist Group (SFSG) of the WCPA and with support of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation seek to produce an update to the Best Practice Series entry for Protected and Conserved Areas (PCA) Finance. This update is desperately needed as the global push to expand protected and conserved areas and OECMs and ICCAs (Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas) not only will require a greatly expanded level of sustainable finance, but also highlights the current inadequacy of finance solutions for existing PCAs. The end product of this exercise is a completely updated Best Practice document that will be distributed with a limited print version but primarily as a downloadable PDF with numerous links to resources (documents, videos, podcasts, case studies, etc.) that are available on the internet. The Guidance will replace the following IUCN publications:
- “Financing protected areas: guidelines for protected area managers” 2000
- “Sustainable financing of protected areas : a global review of challenges and options” 2006
The Vilm workshop is a milestone in a longer process to review the existing material and produce an updated version.
The workshop takes place within the partnership agreement between IUCN and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.